Discipleship Tools – Resources for Your Church

These tools are designed to help churches implement the Know, Grow, Go framework. Each tool aligns with a specific phase of discipleship to support spiritual growth and multiplication.

πŸ”Ή KNOW – Establishing a Strong Foundation

➑ Helping new believers find their identity in Christ, connect with God, and embrace biblical community.

β€’ Foundational Discipleship Class – Guiding new believers through essential Christian teachings.


The Purple Book

We Believe

Built On The Rock

β€’ One Another Study – Exploring biblical community through 36 β€œone another” commands in Scripture.

β€’ Spiritual Gifts & Ministry Test – Helping believers discover their calling and role in the Body of Christ.


Uniquely you Profiler

β€’ Baptism 3-Day Devotional – Helping new believers understand the importance of baptism and their next steps in faith.

β€’ Church Membership Covenant & Class Outline – Providing a structured membership process covering beliefs, expectations, and commitment.

[Coming Soon]

β€’ Prayer & Bible Reading Plan – Guiding believers in developing personal devotion habits through a 3-week devotional that you can customize.

β€’ Know Phase Rack Card Template – A printable template that pastors can customize to help individuals identify their next steps in spiritual growth for the year.

[Coming Soon]

🌱 GROW – Developing Maturity & Leadership

➑ Encouraging spiritual devotion, heart transformation, leadership, and Spirit-filled growth.

β€’ Thriving in the Spirit – Teaching believers about the work of the Holy Spirit in daily life.

β€’ Heart Healing & Deliverance Guide – Helping believers overcome strongholds and emotional wounds.

[Coming Soon]

β€’ INSTE Discipleship & Leadership Development – A structured curriculum for deepening biblical knowledge, strengthening faith, and equipping believers for leadership.

β€’ Personal Discipleship Plan Template – Helping individuals map out their discipleship journey.

[Coming Soon]

β€’ Accountability & Spiritual Growth Check-In – Providing a framework for discipleship relationships.

[Coming Soon]

β€’ Baptism in the Holy Spirit & Spiritual Gifts Guide – Equipping believers to grow in the power of the Spirit.

[Coming Soon]

β€’ Grow Phase Rack Card Template – A printable template that pastors can customize to help individuals set personal spiritual growth goals for the year.

[Coming Soon]

πŸš€ GO – Mission & Multiplication

➑ Empowering believers to make disciples, engage in mission, and multiply the church.

β€’ Everyday Mission Training – Practical steps for living on mission and sharing faith in daily life.

[Coming Soon]

β€’ Pathway to Church Multiplication – A guide for churches to develop leaders, launch ministries, and plant churches.

[Coming Soon]

β€’ Supernatural Ministry Training – Equipping believers to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit while on mission.

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β€’ Mentorship & Discipleship Pathway for Leaders – Helping develop new leaders through mentorship.

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β€’ Sending & Church Planting Preparation Guide – A tool for churches preparing to plant new works.

[Coming Soon]

β€’ Go Phase Rack Card Template – A printable template that pastors can customize to help individuals take action in mission, outreach, and disciple-making for the year.

[Coming Soon]

Preaching & Preachers

"Some may object to my dogmatic assertions: but I do not apologize for them. Every preacher should believe strongly in his own method; and if I cannot persuade all of the rightness of mine, I can at least stimulate them to think and to consider other possibilities. I can say quite honestly that I would not cross the road to listen to myself preaching, and the preachers whom I have enjoyed most have been very different indeed in their method and style. But my business is not to describe them but to state what I believe to be right. however imperfectly I have put my own precepts into practice. I can only hope that the result will be of some help, and especially to young preachers called to this greatest of all tasks, and especially in these sad and evil times.

With many others I pray that The Lord of the harvest may thrust forth many mighty preachers to proclaim 'the unsearchable riches of Christ.'" - D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Celebration of Discipline

Celebration of Discipline

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