ACTS Scholarship — Open Bible East

Apply for an ACTS Scholarship

First ACTS scholarships will be awarded for the 2025/2026 school year. 

Who may apply?

Those who successfully apply for this scholarship sense the call of God on their lives and plan to be actively engaged in Christian ministry. ACTS funds will be available without discrimination to any qualifying student who is studying for Christ-centered, Bible-based, Spirit-empowered ministry, and who applies in a timely fashion, meeting the application requirements. 


What study program models qualify for ACTS funds?

Education is changing. While on-site residential, traditional programs are still viable, many new forms of education are available to students. Examples include various forms of online learning, geographical and virtual cohorts, church-based training, internships, etc.  ACTS funds are available to all these models of training, as long as the course of study is Christ-centered, Bible-based, and Spirit-empowered. Scholarships will be determined by the Scholarship Committee.


The Yearly Application period begins on August 1.  All applications must be submitted by March 31.  The Scholarship Committee will consider all applications and determine the amount of scholarship and who will be awarded grants by May 15.

ACTS Scholarship Fund

Let’s celebrate the 100th anniversary of our Open Bible Colleges Bible Education



We are now approaching the 100-year mark of ministry training! In January, 2025, the centennial benchmark will be achieved.


How better could we celebrate our Centennial than to create a significant, endowed scholarship fund for the training and equipping of  men and women for Christ-centered, Word-based, Spirit-empowered ministry. Read More…

Pacific Open Bible serves as custodian of a new endowment fund called “ACTS.” The acronym stands for Alumni Centennial Trust Scholarships.

Hear about the founding of the ACTS Scholarship Fund from Former Open Bible President Jeff Farmer

God is doing something special! We have raised the initial $100,000. We prayed to reach $200,000 before January of 2025, and we have now hit that by June 2024. We are now looking for additional charter donors ($5,000) and beyond that, the committee is praying for a host of Silver ($1,000), Gold ($2,500) and Platinum ($3,750) donors to increase the endowed principal to $250,000 by the January 2025 anniversary date. Would you help us?


The final words of Jesus in Matthew’s gospel were “Go…make disciples.” As Christians we are charged with the majestic task of making certain the gospel is preached from generation to generation.


Not everyone is called to be an evangelist, pastor or missionary, but all Christians are called to make disciples. One of the best ways to do that is giving to an endowed scholarship fund to assist men and women in need who are called to vocational ministry.

You will be fulfilling

the Great Commission of Jesus

when you give to ACTS.

You may give online HERE, or you may mail a check to Pacific Open Bible, 2320 Warren Street, Eugene, OR, 97405, with the word ACTS in the memo portion. Donations are tax-deductible. Thank you for your interest and prayerful consideration.


You can find an ACTS Legacy document to share with others HERE