Open Bible East Churches is an association of churches and ministers with a mission to make disciples, develop leaders, foster healthy ministers & churches, plant churches, and send and support missionaries.
Joshua Grimes, Regional Executive Director
Open Bible East
Hi, my name is Pastor Josh Grimes, and I am the Regional Executive Director of Open Bible East Churches. I want to invite you to be a part of our Open Bible family. I am personally available to answer any questions you have about Open Bible and would love to get to know you.
OUr Goals
Making Disciples: The Great Commission given to us (The Church and Believers) is for disciples to make more disciples (Matt 28:16-20). Until this life is over or God calls us home, we are committed to assisting believers to become disciple-making disciples and to assist and hold accountable our churches to be places that raise up disciple-making disciples.
Developing Leaders- Open Bible East recognizes the need to raise up Godly leaders to carry the mantle and mandate of the church into the future. Therefore, OBE helps “musters emerging leaders” by partnering with local church pastors in identifying, training, and deploying leaders as well as having national and international training opportunities. Available avenues include Toledo School of Ministry, Discover School of Ministry, INSTE Global Bible College, School of Global Leadership, New Hope Christian College, as well as camps, retreats, and numerous training opportunities for all ages.
Fostering Healthy Ministers & Churches- Healthy ministers who love the Lord and love people lead well. OBE facilitates retreats, conferences, coaching, and mentoring to help encourage the health of our Open Bible East ministers. You are NEVER alone in OBE! Likewise, healthy church leaders grow healthy churches where people are loved, renewed, equipped, and deployed into ministry. OBE is committed to providing training, coaching, mentoring, and a spiritual covering to help promote healthy churches.
Planting Churches: The most effective way to spread the love of Jesus Christ and to raise up new disciples is through planting new churches. Open Bible East is determined to recapture the church planting zeal of the early church. We have put together the right assessment tools, training, systems, coaching, and mentoring that helps church planters plant healthy growing organic churches in their communities. (Interested in Planting Churches -Click Here)
Sending & Supporting Missionaries- Open Bible from its founding has as a corve value to fulfill the words of Christ to "go into all the world and preach the gospel " (Mark 16:14-18). We have taken this mandate seriously and have invested our time, talents, and treasures in fulfilling this mandate. To date, Open Bible is represented in 47 countries, and we have been effective in nationalizing most of our mission fields. We will not stop until ALL THE WORLD KNOWS JESUS CHRIST AS THEIR PERSONAL SAVIOR. (For more info on our Missions Work- Click Here)