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FIRST EVER Open Bible Wide Pastors Learning Community!

  • Open Bible East 645 Helke Road Vandalia, OH, 45377 United States (map)

For the first time, Open Bible is gathering pastors and leaders to empower and equip them through a common Pastor's Learning Community.

They will kick off in the middle of February. Each region will be hosting multiple groups of Pastor Learning Communities (available in Spanish as well).

We will use the same resource (See Below), study, interact, and dialogue, and then begin to dream together, sharing vision and passion as we learn, grow, and multiply.

This will all culminate in a national virtual Pastor Learning Community on March 25th where pastors and leaders will all join together from across the nation.

Let's make history together as we move forward in unity. Below is the book we will be going through together!

To order a Physical Book- LINK

Earlier Event: March 21
Elevate 2025