Open Bible College’s History
On January 12, 1925, a Bible School founded by Rev. Fred Hornshuh and his colleagues was launched in Eugene, OR to serve the growing Bible Standard movement. It was called Bible Standard Training School (BSTS), and was created to ensure the never-ending deployment of trained ministers to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ as pastors, evangelists, and missionaries. Over the years the name has changed - from BSTS to Bible Standard College (BSC), to Eugene Bible College (EBC), to New Hope Christian College (NHCC) – but the mission has remained constant and focused.
More Details about the Endowment Fund
The purpose of ACTS is to endow a perpetual, untouchable, scholarship fund to assist and support individuals training for Christ-centered, Word-based, Spirit-empowered ministry. Funds cannot be spent on land, buildings, vehicles, churches, promotion, or capital projects. They are restricted for ministry training scholarships.
At no time may the corpus of the fund be disbursed. Scholarships will come from the earnings. Annually the interest and/or dividend income will be calculated, and 80% of the earnings given to deserving students who apply for a scholarship, while 20% will be reinvested in the fund to insure its perpetual growth.
There is no restriction on the specific college, school, program, church, or ministry where the student is studying, as long as he or she is training for Christ-centered, Word-based, Spirit-empowered ministry.
The custodian of our fund will be Pacific Open Bible Churches. The fund will be invested at Sapient Wealth Management in Eugene, OR. Disbursement of the funds will be guided and directed by a scholarship committee that includes alumni, and people both internal and external to OBC.